May 23, 2024

ICYMI - Star-Ledger Editorial Board Endorses Rep. Andy Kim for Senate

“Kim is not just the safe bet; he is the more qualified candidate”

MOORESTOWN N.J. – Today, The Star-Ledger Editorial Board announced they have endorsed Congressman Andy Kim for Senate in this year's New Jersey Democratic Primary, which will be held on June 4th.

The full endorsement article can be read HERE

Highlights from the endorsement include:

After his remarkable string of wins, Kim has our hearty endorsement, without reservation. And it’s not just because of that David vs. Goliath story, his win over the bosses. It’s because after three terms in Congress, he has proved himself to be a talented player in Washington, a man with unquestioned integrity, serious foreign policy chops, and an inclination to search for common ground on issues like health care costs, where he co-sponsored the bill that capped out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors on Medicare at $2,000 a year.

The son of Korean immigrants, and a Rhodes Scholar, his service included stints working for the State Department in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he advised Gen. David Petraeus. He worked in the National Security Council under President Obama, regularly attending meetings in the Oval Office, invaluable experience for a Senator in these dangerous times.

“I don’t spend my time knife-fighting on Twitter and getting involved in the outraged fire-breathing back and forth,” [Rep. Kim] says. “I try to do this job, like I’ve done my other jobs in government, from the stance of public service.”

Finally, Kim is 41 years old, meaning he could someday be one the most senior members of the Senate, putting him in a position to beef up New Jersey’s influence in Washington markedly, especially now that Menendez, our senior senator, is headed towards the scrap heap of political history as he fends off credible charges of corruption in federal court.